Letters To My Baby - A Paper Time Capsule | Review

Ever since I found out I was expecting I always thought I would be the type of mum that would keep a baby journal religiously and learn how to knit cute little baby booties. Well...allow me to elaborate - when your very hungry newborn is waking up every 3 hours screaming like a banshee in the middle of the night...its really easy to lose those rose tinted spectacles...fast.
Saying that, I did manage to write some lovely bits in her journal. How much of that is coherent is entirely another matter. I think on more occasions then I care to remember I have actually tried to breast feed the nursing pillow in the middle of the night but that story is for another day...or perhaps never...!

Swiftly moving on we are quite the sentimental family, I have always enjoyed writing. So on special occasions, like her birthdays, her first Christmas and her first Eid I wrote her a special little letter and sealed it for her to open when she is older. We also asked both sides of our families to each write a special note for her on her 1st birthday which we could then gift to her on her 18th birthday. My husband is far more tech savvy then me, so on the day she was born he actually opened her an email account - and since then has been emailing things to the account which I think is an absolutely brilliant idea (I wish I thought of it first! But alas! All bright ideas cannot only come from me, I shall let him shine on this occasion)

So imagine my surprise when I came across Letters To My Baby - A Paper Time Capsule it seemed like the perfect way to document those oh so important milestones and sweet memories and have it stored in a beautifully decorated keepsake book.

In essence it is a paper time capsule that has 12 fold and mail style letters - each letter has a different theme. Each letter also has a heading that is designed to prompt the writer, this wasn't something I found in any regular baby journals - here are some examples of the headings - 'The world I want to give you is...', 'My wishes for you are...' and 'I laugh when you...' Having these headings really inspired me. I found this way more fun to write in rather than a blank journal. Having more of a limited space compared to a journal also helps to keep your ramblings to a minimum!

I thought having the more 'non-traditional' headings was quite a sweet touch, as with the normal baby journals you tend to write more about the actual milestones the baby reaches. But in the paper time capsule it seems to assist and guide you to reflect upon hopes and dreams for your little one.
Even though each letter has it's own prompt you could still write whatever you wish too, perhaps even add in your own little notes within the letter. Right at the end of the book there is a page that has stickers with which you can seal your letters. What I really loved about the book is the little white box on the front of every letter that has a 'Sealed on...' and 'To be opened on...' box which I thought was another really adorable touch. 


I have already used two of the stickers!
I think it's really nice to be able to give our daughter something more tangible, something she can open in future years and read our loving words of encouragement and cheer. In this day and age it is always so much more special to receive a handwritten letter, something she can treasure in the years to come. I think we will probably gift this to her on her 18th birthday along with all the letters our family members have written for her. 
A point to be noted, whilst writing in the book, the opposite page will keep closing as it is quite thick - I found it easier to use a paper weight. Also it is worth mentioning that it is a good idea to place a magazine underneath the letters so it helps to prop up your writing surface as the letters do not lay flat.

Overall I would say this is a really sentimental and thoughtful gift for new parents or parents who already have children. It truly helped encapsulate my feelings in a really lovely way. It would make a great baby shower gift too! This paper time capsules enables you to record precious memories that your baby can open in the years to come and bask in the beautiful memories of days gone by - after all...today's moments are yesterdays memories.

Letters to my baby - Paper time capsule can be purchased here. It currently retails for £8.79

Disclaimer - This product was purchased myself. All opinions are honest and my own.


  1. This is such a beautiful idea! I too thought i'd be the mum to document all of my sons little moments but like you being up every 2/3 hours tires you out and its the last thing you think about! So this is a brilliant idea!


    1. No one tells you how tiring it is in those first few days...and weeks! Awww I'm glad you liked it. Thank you for reading! Xxx

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